So this week has been quite the week. I think I'm going to go day by day form-ish to try to remember everything.
Monday not too much happened, just had a good p-day, went to goodwill had fun, took a nap! Then at 8 we felt we should go to a family in our ward the Giffords. They are a young couple she's in her lower 30's and they have 5 daughters from the ages of 8 to a baby!! Bro Gifford has to work a lot so that leaves Sis Gifford alone with the 5 girls, needless to say she's very stressed. So Monday night we felt we should go and help her do some service, while we were driving there we kept questioning because it was late, we didn't call, etc. but we went anyway, and right as we pulled up she opened the door and just started bawling! We went in and I folded laundry while sis Smith washed dishes, She sent us this text later that night:
"Thank you for coming to my rescue tonight. You are truly angels from heaven. Such a blessing. I hope my daughters grow up to be just like you." It's so amazing when the Holy Ghost directs you exactly where you need to be, I love being a missionary.
Tuesday was Zone Conference in Olympia! It was awesome, and tons of fun! We learned about aligning our goals and our plans, and keeping our goals in mind at all times throughout the day, it was great! Very spiritually uplifting.
Wednesday was a pretty chill day, we saw some partmember families and investigators and visited Sister Queen (Dairy Queen) with our bishopric after our meeting! One of my favorite weekly traditions!!
Thursday was a slow day, Sister Smith and I both got what we believe was strep throat, not fun, so we went slow, and no one was really home.
Friday we went to Seminary and had fun with the seminary kids, its way exciting one of them is getting their mission call this week!!! Its cool because he was somewhat less active when I came into the ward, and now he's going on a mission! So cool! We also had an auction for the YW to raise money for camp, it was way fun, it was tons of delicious deserts! And people would buy them and then give them to us, I was on quite the sugar rush! They made $1200 dollars that night so all the girls are going to be able to go to camp!! So exciting!
Saturday we had lunch with a sweet lady and her less-active and non-member family. It was super awesome, they were so sweet! We also saw the Entsminger's, they are still doing good.
Sunday was the CRAZY day! We got to church and found out that they CHANGED OUR WARD BOUNDARIES!!! WHAT!! They took out all of the Centralia part of our ward which means they took tons of our active members, 3 of our recent converts, and almost all of investigators, we had been working in Centralia the last little bit! It's crazy, we gained a little piece of the Rochester ward though, so that should be good. People here are now in the run around with your head cut off's fun! We also last night had a fireside in Chehalis! It was so amazing! The coolest part is Eddie bore his testimony and shared his conversion story, it was so amazing, the spirit was so strong! I just love music and testimony mixed together, it's great!
Other than that everything has just been a typical missionary week with finding, teaching, and hoping to baptize! I hope your weeks have been amazing! I can't believe how quickly time is flying by, it's just insane!
I love you all so much!
Sister Thomas
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